Viewpoints has moved to Beehiiv

A new look and vision for the FOV Ventures newsletter this year.

Happy new year! This is the first of several updates from FOV Ventures this week to kick off 2023. To start, we wanted to let you know about some small changes to our Viewpoints newsletter. We've included a short TL;DR, with some more context on the evolution of Viewpoints for those who are interested...

If you have any thoughts, feel free to respond to this email - and here's to a strong 2023!

Dave Haynes and Petri Rajahalme, FOV Ventures


  • We started Viewpoints exactly two years ago, over a year before launching our fund, FOV Ventures.

  • Viewpoints is moving to a new newsletter software provider, called Beehiiv. If you're already subscribed there's no need to take any further action.

  • For 2023, the Viewpoints newsletter will start adding more news directly from FOV Ventures and our portfolio and we'll be sending you other updates like blog posts and new podcasts too.

  • Hit reply to send us feedback on what you'd like to see more or less of in the future. And please send along to any people that you know might be interested.

🎂 Viewpoints turns two!

We started the Viewpoints newsletter exactly two years ago in January 2021. Back then, Petri & I were still in the early phases of putting together what would ultimately become FOV Ventures. We were already spending our time keeping track of the fast-moving trends, news and investment activity in the emerging and overlapping areas of Metaverse, Spatial Computing, XR and Web3. So it made sense to turn that into a newsletter and share with others too!

Shortly afterwards, we also started our own podcast series (in VR!) under the Viewpoints name and invited on founders and fellow investors to add more thought, context and opinions on the Metaverse. Guests included founders such as Alban Denoyel (Sketchfab), Uhro Kontorri (Varjo), Ryan Gill (Crucible) and Orla Harris (Sidequest) and investors such as Greg Castle (Anorak Ventures), Tipatat Chennavasin (Venture Reality Fund) and Ted Persson (EQT Ventures).

🚀 Busy year for FOV Ventures

In March 2022, we launched FOV Ventures a dedicated, specialist venture fund that exists to back the founders who themselves will be building the next generation of category defining companies in the Metaverse. And since launching the fund we've been busy. 2022 was a packed year, with 9 new investments.

✨ Time for a refresh

We kept up the pace with the newsletter and kept the Viewpoints name, but put the podcast on pause. And now in 2023 it feels time for a refresh, both in terms of the platform we use and content we write. As Twitter recently shuttered our previous newsletter provider, Revue, the timing felt good to move to a new one, Beehiiv. We're still getting to grips with the service, so expect a few tweaks in the weeks and months ahead. But so far, so good!

As for the content, we'll still be writing under the Viewpoints banner, but Viewpoints is now the official newsletter of FOV Ventures and will start to include more news from the fund itself and our rapidly growing portfolio. And whilst we don't want to over-promise on anything, we also hope to have more time this year to write a few more thought pieces (both ourselves and from guest authors in our Edge Network), and potentially even restart the podcast.

📣 Send us feedback

So keep on reading (no action is required to keep subscribed) and if you've enjoyed reading our newsletters in the last two years then please share this with at least one friend or colleague that you think might also enjoy it. And with these changes, now is also a good time to unsubscribe if you don't think this newsletter is for you anymore :) But most importantly, we'd love your feedback on what you'd like to see from Viewpoints in the future. So please hit the reply button and let us know what you think!

Best wishes for 2023!Dave Haynes & Petri Rajahalme (FOV Ventures)