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  • How Should Founders Prepare for Demo Days?

How Should Founders Prepare for Demo Days?

and Find Out Who is Speaking at Vantage Point Demo Day.

Welcome to this month’s viewpoints, news and investment activity covering the Metaverse, XR and Spatial Computing - brought to you by FOV Ventures.

This Month:

  • Announcing first speakers for Vantage Point Demo Day.

  • How XR and 3D Tech Founders Should Pitch.

  • Jobs and News Across the Industry.

Dave Haynes, Petri Rajahalme and Sointu Karjalainen (FOV Ventures)

Summer is well and truly underway, and with many taking a well earned break, for founders now is a great time to focus on tightening up for decks and positioning for the busier seasons.

Vantage Point Demo Day

FOV Ventures and partners are gearing up to present Europe's most promising pre-Series A startups at the Vantage Point Demo Day on September 17th. This virtual event will highlight European founders who are pioneering the next wave of billion-dollar companies at the intersection of Spatial Computing, Generative AI, Gaming & 3D Tech

Demo Day Highlights:

  • Date: September 17th

  • Focus: European pre-Series A startups in Spatial Computing, Gen-AI, 3D Tech & Gaming.

  • Format: Virtual Demo Day.

Industry Roundtables and Fireside Chats:

Engage with industry insiders across VR/AR, 3D Tech, Generative AI, and Gaming.

  • Confirmed Speakers:

    • May-May Chen - Strategic Content, Metaverse @ Meta

    • Bertrand Nepveu - Founding Partner @ Triptyq Capital

    • Troy Kirwin - Partner @ A16Z

    • Urho Konttori - Co-Founder @ Distance Tech & VARJO

    • Emmanuel de Maistre - Co-Founder @ Scenario 

    • ...and more to be announced!

Why Attend?

  • For Founders: This is an opportunity to showcase your startup to investors who understand the nuances and potential of spatial computing technologies.

  • For Investors: Discover and connect with the next generation of Europe’s groundbreaking startups. 50+ investors signed up already!

We are also proud that Vantage Point is partnering with Sircular. Check their superpowers below:

Sircular empowers VC investors with their own AI Copilot, significantly improving their investment decisions. Sircular aims to become a proactive and reliable partner for VCs in their future AI adoption.

Sircular provides three complementing products:

1. AI Copilot: Generates investment reports in under 5 minutes using pitch decks, URLs, and web searches, allowing investors to add context for deeper insights.
2. Second Brain: A centralized platform for all data and theses, creating a super intelligent investment partner.
3. ⁠Future Research: Offers predictive analytics and future scenarios for proactive strategies.

How Should Founders Prepare for Demo Days?

8 years ago we wrote a piece on How to Raise Seed Funding for a VR Startup. A lot of the advice was equally useful for any founder of a new startup in any of the ‘frontier’ tech categories.

With Vantage Point Demo Day (17th Sept) fast approaching, it feels timely to revisit, and update it in light of a ~decade of changes, and make it demo day specific.

Telling Your Story.

Pitching is a straight line narrative that takes someone from step 1 to step 5. Storytelling is an arc that helps others see the world you envision. Take people on this journey so they have the right framework to understand your business.

Part of this story is you're not just an e.g. "VR company" - you're solving a specific pain point for a particular industry or group of people, using VR/AR/AI as your tool. Begin your pitch by clearly articulating this problem and why your solution is 10x better than existing alternatives.

Build a narrative around data, address who you're building for, why it hasn't been done before, the challenges, and why this opportunity is unmissable.

Your Demo is Your Pitch. 

In this industry, a high quality demo / prototype is the crux of your pitch. The rest of your deck and presentation are there to illustrate the business case of your product.

One issue with short pitches is they can be extremely difficult for 3D or VR startups who are trying to build new paradigms for a new computing platform. For example, “Microsoft Paint for VR” would never capture the wonder of actually using Tilt Brush. But experience it in VR and people immediately understand it.

One huge advantage of demo days like Vantage Point, is that you know that many investors are 3D native. They will grasp 2nd order consequences in AI/VR/3D’s paradigm shifts that are changing computing.

Take investors on that journey to where we will be if your business is successful.

Focus on Your Product, Not “The Market”.

Getting a read on market size for early-stage startups is usually instinctual. The more disruptive your business, the more this is true.

Given the nascent state of the VR/AR market, traditional traction metrics may not be applicable. Instead, focus on validation. Show the experiments you've run to test your hypotheses and present data that foretells product-market fit. Extrapolate how your product might perform as the market grows from 1 million to 10 million units.

At one end of the spectrum many VR businesses continue to be cockroach-like in face of huge market projections, while Generative AI startups exist in an increasingly red ocean. Find your market. Fancy graphs and a bunch of extrapolated data points aren’t going to help.

Post-Demo Day.

Your journey doesn't end with Vantage Point Virtual Demo Day – it's just the beginning.

Network actively with other founders in the spatial computing space, establishing a small group you can trust for open discussions about your experiences and challenges.

Likewise, create relationships with potential investors even if you are not raising from them right now. People pass on earlier rounds that may invest later, or introduce you to more helpful people.

FOV Portfolio Updates

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FOV Job Board

For a full list of open positions, check the FOV Ventures job board.

Happy Summer!